MMF Manager Summit & AGM 2024: DATA, DEALS & INNOVATION
On Tuesday 17th September (11am - 4.30pm), the Music Managers Forum (MMF) will host a full day Manager Summit at London’s 21Soho.

Through a series of expert panel discussions and presentations, the event, titled Data, Deals & Innovation, aims to understand how music managers are embracing new types of commercial models and utilising the latest digital and fan data tools in order to build sustainable businesses for their clients – and for themselves.
The long-term viability of the traditional “commission-based” model of music management has long been an issue of contention within the industry, and has been explored in detail within the MMF’s series of Managing Expectations reports.
These ideas will be discussed in more detail on the day, with panels based around the following areas:
How managers are being rewarded for their increased role in artist development
How managers can use new tools to connect artists with fans
How managers are growing their businesses
Annabella Coldrick, Chief Executive, Music Managers Forum, said:
“September 17th is a big day for the MMF. Our Summit will place a spotlight on the changing models of management, and explore how MMF members are breaking boundaries and embracing innovation to develop the businesses of artists, songwriters, producers and other creative talent. It’ll be a full day of deep discussions, panels, and presentations – and all for a really affordable price.
“From there we go straight into our AGM, where we’ll announce new board members as well as bid a grateful thanks to our Chair and Vice Chair, Paul Craig and Kwame Kwaten, who are standing down after six years of service.”
Speakers at the Summit will include Lisa Ward (Red Light Management), Kwame Kwaten (Ferocious Talent), Kerry Harvey-Piper (Red Grape Music), Shaurav D’Silva (2-Tone Entertainment), Nick Eziefula (Simkins), Guy Morrow (University of Melbourne), and Tom Burris (Prime Element). Companies such as Unison and Blackstage Forensic will deliver quickfire presentations and a range of MMF Associate members from the fields of law, accountancy and insurance will also provide their expertise in one-to-one clinics.
Tickets for the 2024 MMF Summit are available here.
MMF members (including Associates) receive a 50% off discount by using a code in the members area on our website.
Admission price includes lunch and hot drinks, and post-event networking drinks will be available.
The Summit will be followed at 5pm by the MMF Annual General Meeting (AGM) where Paul Craig and Kwame Kwaten will give their valedictory speeches following six years as Chair and Vice-Chair of the MMF.
The AGM is free and open to all members.
RSVP at this link.