Manager Spotlight: Bex Redwood

26 September 2024

The manager spotlight offers a small insight into the heads of incredible managers.⁠ This week in the spotlight is Bex Redwood!

How long have you worked in Management?

About 11 years.

Who do you manage now?

SNAYX, Dan Smith & Make Friends.

Where did you find your first client and what inspired you to take them on?

At the time I was still drumming in bands/for artists (very averagely) and promoting shows locally in Brighton, but in all honesty had no pre-ideas I’d end up in the world of management.

I found myself meeting my first ever client, Dan Smith, when he was still in the Noisettes. We met at their aftershow at the Roundhouse in 2010, bonding over our shared love of new music (and crisps). Two years or so later, I started managing Dan as a writer/producer, and 11 years on, we’re still working together today. At the same time I stumbled into managing my first band who I used to promote locally (disbanded now), but remain some of my closest friends today and I’ll be forever thankful they entrusted me with zero experience.

What does a good/bad day at work look like for you?

A good day is calling up a client with positive news—it never gets old really. Both artists and managers encounter plenty of tough challenges, so when a breakthrough happens, no matter the size, it’s always a rewarding moment.

Bad days can take many different forms. Anything from logistical nightmares requiring quick solutions, to the inevitable setbacks that both artists and managers face & the emotional toll they can take. It’s a rollercoaster, but these often make the good days that much more meaningful I find. And we go again…

What has been the highlight of your management career to date?

For me it’s the feeling of having a brilliant & highly skilled team around your artist, who genuinely want them to succeed as much as you do. That energy can be very powerful and I feel lucky to have shared many a journey with some of the best so far.

There’s a lot of “firsts” in music too. Whether it’s signing a first deal, selling out a first tour, playing the biggest headline to date, being nominated for an award, or creating a jaw-dropping record, there’s something really inspiring about watching an artist you work with grow and celebrating those ‘firsts’ together. There’s always a new milestone to look forward to, so I guess the highlights keep coming.

What do you think are the big challenges for a manager in 2024?

The ever-changing landscape of this industry, combined with the rapid advancement of technology, presents significant challenges. Staying informed, helping clients navigate new paths to success, and building community and brand awareness are more crucial than ever—especially if you want to cut through the vast noise.

That being said, I think there are some really exciting new models and approaches to artist development that are worth exploring now too.

Why would you recommend the MMF?

The MMF offers a strong network that genuinely supports and cares about the manager community along with offering some invaluable resources. In Brighton, we have a group of other managers who connect via a WhatsApp group to share ideas, contacts, and occasionally meet up when time allows. The power of coming together shouldn’t be underestimated in this wild industry.

What music are you currently listening to?

Right this second—LCD Soundsystem!

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