Manager Spotlight: Andy Spence
The manager spotlight offers a small insight into the heads of incredible managers. This week in the spotlight is Andy Spence!

How long have you worked in Management?
8 years.
Who do you manage now?
Freak Slug, shortstraw. , Skinny Pelembe, Coupdekat, lavender.
Where did you find your first client and what inspired you to take them on?
I was friends with the drummer of my first client, she had played with a band I had been in previously called New Young Pony Club. After having some success with NYPC and years of working on many many other projects before that I had absorbed a lot about the industry and being an artist in it. I realised that as a manager I was in a great position to draw on that knowledge to guide and support new artists through the challenging journey they face.
What does a good/bad day at work look like for you?
A good day is receiving an amazing demo or finished new track from one of my artists. Thinking about how to let the world fall in love with that music is what inspires me through all the bad days…. A bad day is worrying about how to make that next project work with a budget that’s already too far into the red!
What has been the highlight of your management career to date?
I’m going to be diplomatic here by avoiding picking anything connected with a specific artist and say founding our new artist incubator Our House Online which I’m very excited about right now.
What do you think are the big challenges for a manager in 2024?
Tenacity! Managers are filling all the gaps on early days of development when there is no revenue so they are having to take bigger risks with their time and energy that may never pay off. It’s hard to sustain and there needs to be more funding in this area for artists and managers…
Why would you recommend the MMF?
The MMF is a great resource and community especially for managers who are new to the industry. Love everything you’re doing!
What music are you currently listening to?
Sadly I rarely have time to listen to anything other than my artists new music and new artists we’re looking to sign.