Music Publishing Programme: International Collecting Societies & Understanding Global Royalty Streams
The next module of the MPA/MMF Music Publishing Professional Development Programme 2014 takes place on Monday 30th June. This module will look at:
- Working with Collecting Societies in all key UK repertoire territories
- International relations: politics, co-operation & joint initiatives
- Issues, challenges & opportunities
- European, Asian & American policies & frameworks
- Roles & relationships; rights ownership & licensing; revenue streams, deductions & distribution policies: comparisons and differentials
- The past, present & future of collective rights management
- Operations & documentation; process & procedure
Time: 6:30-9:30pm
Venue: University of Westminster, 309 Regent St, London, W1B 2UW
To book: email
MMF member price: £40 (standard price £80)