
MMF expand support to Welsh-based music managers after receiving a new grant from Creative Wales

20 April 2023

The one-year project will deliver dedicated education and training to boost the business of Welsh music entrepreneurs

The programme kicks off on April 26th (5pm-8pm) with an initial meet up at the University of South Wales. Sign up details here.

Welsh managers wanting to benefit from the range of free and subsidised resources can sign up here

FRIDAY 21st APRIL 2023

Following an award of funding from Creative Wales – the Welsh Government agency that supports the growth of the Creative Sectors – Welsh-based music managers are being urged to sign up for a new programme of education and training delivered by the Music Managers Forum (MMF).

The MMF is the world’s largest community of music managers, whose 1,400+ members represent everything from global music stars to upcoming artists, songwriters and producers. The organisation was recently awarded the prestigious National Portfolio Organisation (NPO) status by Arts Council England (ACE) as a result of a strong track record of providing professional development services, including the acclaimed Accelerator Programme which has now benefitted more than 100 independent managers around the UK.

Seeking to engage with all levels of music manager from across the country, and working closely with partners including Anthem, Beacons and Focus Wales, the initiative will also build on the MMF’s existing partnership with the University of South Wales, and will kick off with an initial manager meet up on April 26th (5pm-8pm) at the Student Union’s Zen Bar in Adam St, Cardiff.

Managers interested in attending can sign up here.

In addition to travel bursaries to attend training events, including a refreshed Essentials of Music Management course, the programme also aims to provide a gateway for greater numbers of Welsh managers to benefit from access to education through MMF membership and the Accelerator programme. The training will be led by Lu Whitting, a former Accelerator participant and manager of Cardiff band HIMALAYAS, Joining Lu at Focus Wales on 6th May will be Wrexham-based manager Willow Dingwall-Fordyce.

Individuals from diverse or marginalised backgrounds, and those with self-identified-barriers to their career progression are especially welcome to participate, while key MMF publications will be made freely available as Welsh translations.

Describing the motivation behind the programme, MMF Chief Executive, Annabella Coldrick said:

“We greatly appreciate the Welsh Government and Creative Wales making this funding available to support the careers of Welsh music managers. Managers are at the heart of the UK’s incredible global music successes. Essentially, they guide the businesses of artists, songwriters, producers and other creative talent, enabling them to develop their craft and sustain a livelihood. It’s an incredibly important role. The music scene in Wales has always been hugely exciting, and we believe this new programme will strengthen networks and benefit both existing Welsh managers and those looking to break into our profession.”

The initiative has already won the backing of Monmouth-based Estelle Wilkinson, who manages BRIT Award winners Bastille at Eleven Management.

Estelle, who also managed Coldplay between 2000-2006, said:

“The MMF represents a really diverse community of more than 1,400 music entrepreneurs, from experienced managers representing superstar acts to those developing upcoming talent. I really value my membership, and I encourage every music manager wherever you are located in the UK to sign up and make the most of the organisation’s shared knowledge and resources.

“Take it from someone who is terrible at networking – it really is a welcoming environment, you just need to take the initial step. Connectivity to the wider music industry and all the opportunities within it is increasingly important.

“I’m particularly pleased that this additional support from Creative Wales will provide training and help to all the fantastic managers already active in Wales as well as supporting new talent into the industry. It’s a really impactful boost for the industry based in Wales.”

Head of Creative Wales, Gerwyn Evans said:

“Ensuring the current and next generation of creatives in Wales are equipped with the knowledge, skills and confidence they need to succeed is a major priority for Creative Wales. We are proud to be supporting this training programme for current and future music managers which is an important part of our work to develop and grow the already thriving scene here in Wales.”

Lucy Squire, Head of Music and Drama, University of South Wales added:

“The University of South Wales is thrilled to continue an Educational Partnership with the Music Managers Forum to help support the thriving industry in Wales and next generation of industry professionals”


For more information, please contact Adam Webb
07947 062360

Since its inception in 1992, the Music Managers Forum (The MMF) has worked to educate, inform and represent UK managers, as well as offering a network through which managers can share experiences, opportunities and information.

Our membership stands at over 1,400 managers based in the UK representing well over 4,000 music-makers with global businesses.

Current MMF initiatives include:
The Accelerator Programme for Music Managers – a groundbreaking funding and skills initiative launched in partnership with YouTube Music, Arts Council England and the Scottish Music Industry Association
Dissecting The Digital Dollar – a series of publications to help artists and their managers better understand the economics of the streaming business
#LetTheMusicMove a campaign to push government to address the additional bureaucracy and costs on EU touring post-Brexit
The FanFair Alliance campaign to reform the UK’s secondary ticketing market
The MMF is a founding member of UK Music, the European Music Managers Alliance (EMMA), the Council of Music Makers (CMM) and Live Music Industry Venues & Entertainment (LIVE).
Twitter: @mmfuk
Instagram: @mmf_uk

About Creative Wales
Creative Wales is an economic development agency within the Welsh Government that supports the development of the fast-growing creative industries in Wales. We focus on promoting growth across TV, Film and Animation; Games, VFX and Post-production; Music and Comedy and Publishing, positioning Wales as one of the best places in the world for creative businesses to thrive.

We invest in creating opportunities for people in the industry by supporting Skills and Talent initiatives for young people and our talented workforce; we fund projects that boost infrastructure and creative businesses, provide specialist advice and actively promote sustainability, diversity and equality for all across the creative sectors.

We are passionate about supporting home-grown talent and attracting international creative projects to Wales. In doing so, we are strengthening the industry in the long term and creating exciting opportunities for future generations.

For more information visit



Fforwm Rheolwyr Cerddoriaeth (MMF) yn ehangu cefnogaeth i reolwyr cerddoriaeth Cymraeg ar ôl cael grant newydd gan Gymru Greadigol

Bydd y prosiect yn para am flwyddyn ac yn cyflwyno addysg a hyfforddiant pwrpasol i hybu busnes entrepreneuriaid cerddoriaeth Cymru

Bydd y rhaglen yn dechrau ar 26 Ebrill (5pm-8pm) gyda sesiwn arbennig i gwrdd ym Mhrifysgol De Cymru. Mae’r manylion cofrestru yma.

Gall rheolwyr Cymru sydd am elwa ar yr ystod o adnoddau rhad ac am ddim a’r rhai sy’n derbyn cymhorthdal gofrestru yma


Yn dilyn dyfarniad o gyllid gan Gymru Greadigol – asiantaeth Llywodraeth Cymru sy’n cefnogi twf y Sectorau Creadigol – mae rheolwyr cerddoriaeth Cymraeg yn cael eu hannog i gofrestru ar gyfer rhaglen newydd o addysg a hyfforddiant a ddarperir gan y Fforwm Rheolwyr Cerddoriaeth (MMF).

Yr MMF yw cymuned fwyaf y byd o reolwyr cerddoriaeth, ac mae ei 1,400+ o aelodau yn cynrychioli popeth o sêr cerddoriaeth fyd-eang i artistiaid, cyfansoddwyr a chynhyrchwyr newydd. Yn ddiweddar, dyfarnwyd statws uchel ei fri i’r Sefydliad Portffolio Cenedlaethol (NPO) gan Gyngor Celfyddydau Lloegr (ACE) o ganlyniad i hanes cryf o ddarparu gwasanaethau datblygu proffesiynol, gan gynnwys y Rhaglen Sbarduno nodedig sydd bellach wedi bod o fudd i fwy na 100 o reolwyr annibynnol ledled y DU.

Gan geisio ymgysylltu â sawl lefel o reolwr cerddoriaeth o bob rhan o’r wlad, a gweithio’n agos gyda phartneriaid sy’n cynnwys Anthem, Beacons a Focus Wales, bydd y fenter yn adeiladu hefyd ar bartneriaeth bresennol yr MMF gyda Phrifysgol De Cymru, a bydd yn dechrau gyda chyfarfod cychwynnol i reolwyr ar 26 Ebrill (5pm – 8pm) yn Zen Bar Undeb y Myfyrwyr yn Adam St, Caerdydd.

Gall rheolwyr sydd â diddordeb mewn mynychu gofrestru yma.

Yn ogystal â bwrsariaethau teithio i fynychu digwyddiadau hyfforddi, gan gynnwys cwrs Hanfodion Rheoli Cerddoriaeth wedi’i adnewyddu, nod y rhaglen hefyd yw darparu porth i nifer uwch o reolwyr Cymru elwa ar fynediad at addysg trwy aelodaeth o’r MMF a rhaglen Sbarduno. Arweinir yr hyfforddiant gan Lu Whitting, cyn-gyfranogwr a rheolwr y Band HIMALAYAS o Gaerdydd ac yn ymuno â Lu yn Focus Wales ar 6 Mai bydd y rheolwr Willow Dingwall-Fordyce o Wrecsam.

Mae croeso arbennig i unigolion o gefndiroedd amrywiol neu ar y cyrion gymryd rhan, a hefyd y rhai sydd â rhwystrau hunan-adnabod i’w dilyniant gyrfa, tra bydd cyhoeddiadau MMF allweddol ar gael am ddim fel cyfieithiadau Cymraeg.

Wrth ddisgrifio’r cymhelliant y tu ôl i’r rhaglen, dywedodd Prif Weithredwr yr MMF, Annabella Coldrick:

“Rydym yn gwerthfawrogi’n fawr bod Llywodraeth Cymru a Chymru Greadigol yn sicrhau bod y cyllid hwn ar gael i gefnogi gyrfaoedd rheolwyr cerddoriaeth Cymru. Rheolwyr sydd wrth wraidd llwyddiannau anhygoel cerddoriaeth fyd-eang y DU. Yn y bôn, maent yn arwain busnesau artistiaid, awduron caneuon, cynhyrchwyr a thalent greadigol eraill, gan eu galluogi i ddatblygu eu crefft a chynnal bywoliaeth. Mae’n rôl hynod bwysig. Mae’r sîn gerddoriaeth yng Nghymru wedi bod yn hynod gyffrous erioed, ac rydym yn credu y bydd y rhaglen newydd hon yn cryfhau rhwydweithiau ac o fudd i reolwyr presennol Cymru a’r rhai sy’n bwriadu torri i mewn i’n proffesiwn.”

Mae’r fenter eisoes wedi ennill cefnogaeth Estelle Wilkison o Drefynwy, sy’n rheoli enillwyr Gwobr BRIT, Bastille yn Eleven Management.

Dywedodd Estelle, a oedd hefyd yn rheoli Coldplay rhwng 2000-2006:

“Mae’r MMF yn cynrychioli cymuned amrywiol iawn o fwy na 1,400 o entrepreneuriaid cerddoriaeth, o reolwyr profiadol sy’n cynrychioli’r sêr adnabyddus iawn i’r rhai sy’n datblygu talent newydd. Rwy’n gwerthfawrogi fy aelodaeth yn fawr, ac rwy’n annog pob rheolwr cerddoriaeth lle bynnag yr ydych yn y DU i gofrestru a gwneud y gorau o wybodaeth ac adnoddau’r sefydliad a rennir.

“Credwch rywun sy’n ofnadwy am rwydweithio – mae’n wir yn amgylchedd croesawgar, does dim ond angen i chi gymryd y cam cychwynnol. Mae cysylltiad â’r diwydiant cerddoriaeth ehangach, a’r holl gyfleoedd sydd ynddo, yn dod yn fwyfwy pwysig.

“Rwy’n arbennig o falch y bydd y gefnogaeth ychwanegol hon gan Gymru Greadigol yn darparu hyfforddiant a help i’r holl reolwyr gwych sydd eisoes yn weithgar yng Nghymru yn ogystal ag yn cefnogi talent newydd i’r diwydiant. Mae’n hwb effeithiol iawn i’r diwydiant sydd wedi’i leoli yng Nghymru.”

Meddai Pennaeth Cymru Greadigol, Gerwyn Evans:

” Un o brif flaenoriaethau Cymru Greadigol yw sicrhau bod y genhedlaeth bresennol a’r genhedlaeth nesaf o bobl greadigol yng Nghymru yn meddu ar y wybodaeth, y sgiliau a’r hyder sydd eu hangen arnynt i lwyddo. Rydym yn falch o gefnogi’r rhaglen

hyfforddi hon i reolwyr cerddoriaeth heddiw ac yfory,sy’n rhan bwysig o’n gwaith o ddatblygu ac o dyfu’r sîn sydd eisoes yn ffynnu yma yng Nghymru.”

Ychwanegodd Lucy Squire, Pennaeth Cerdd a Drama, Prifysgol De Cymru:

“Mae Prifysgol De Cymru yn falch iawn o barhau â Phartneriaeth Addysgol gyda’r Fforwm Rheolwyr Cerddoriaeth er mwyn helpu i gefnogi’r diwydiant sy’n ffynnu yng Nghymru a’r genhedlaeth nesaf o weithwyr proffesiynol yn y diwydiant.”


I gael rhagor o wybodaeth, cysylltwch ag Adam Webb

07947 062360


Ers ei sefydlu ym 1992, mae’r Fforwm Rheolwyr Cerddoriaeth (yr MMF) yn gweithio i addysgu, hysbysu a chynrychioli rheolwyr y DU, yn ogystal â chynnig rhwydwaith y gall rheolwyr rannu profiadau, cyfleoedd a gwybodaeth drwyddo.

Mae dros 1,400 o reolwyr yn aelodau ac maent wedi’u lleoli yn y DU, gan gynrychioli ymhell dros 4,000 o wneuthurwyr cerddoriaeth gyda busnesau byd-eang.

Mae mentrau presennol yr MMF yn cynnwys:

● Y Rhaglen Sbarduno ar gyfer Rheolwyr Cerddoriaeth – menter cyllido a sgiliau arloesol a lansiwyd mewn partneriaeth â YouTube Music, Cyngor Celfyddydau Lloegr a Chymdeithas Diwydiant Cerddoriaeth yr Alban

● Dissecting The Digital Dollar – cyfres o gyhoeddiadau i helpu artistiaid a’u rheolwyr i ddeall economeg y busnes ffrydio yn well

● #LetTheMusicMove – ymgyrch i wthio’r llywodraeth i fynd i’r afael â’r fiwrocratiaeth a’r costau ychwanegol ar deithio yn yr UE ar ôl Brexit

● Ymgyrch Cynghrair FanFair i ddiwygio marchnad docynnau eilaidd y DU

Mae’r MMF yn un o sylfaenwyr UK Music, y European Music Managers Alliance (EMMA), y Cyngor Gwneuthurwyr Cerddoriaeth (CMM) a Lleoliadau Diwydiant Cerddoriaeth Fyw ac Adloniant (LIVE).

Twitter: @mmfuk

Instagram: @mmf_uk

Gwybodaeth am Gymru Greadigol

Mae Cymru Greadigol yn asiantaeth datblygu economaidd o fewn Llywodraeth Cymru sy’n cefnogi datblygiad y diwydiannau creadigol sy’n tyfu’n gyflym yng Nghymru. Rydym yn canolbwyntio ar hybu twf ar draws y diwydiant teledu, ffilm ac animeiddio; gemau, VFX ac ôl-gynhyrchu; cerddoriaeth a chomedi a chyhoeddi, gan greu enw i Gymru fel un o’r mannau gorau yn y byd lle y gall busnesau creadigol ffynnu.

Rydym yn buddsoddi mewn creu cyfleoedd i bobl yn y diwydiant drwy gefnogi mentrau Sgiliau a Thalentau i bobl ifanc a’n gweithlu talentog; rydym yn ariannu prosiectau sy’n hybu seilwaith a busnesau creadigol, yn rhoi cyngor arbenigol ac yn mynd ati i hyrwyddo cynaliadwyedd, amrywiaeth a chydraddoldeb i bawb ar draws y sectorau creadigol.

Rydym yn angerddol dros gefnogi doniau cartref a denu prosiectau creadigol rhyngwladol i Gymru. Wrth wneud hynny, rydym yn atgyfnerthu’r diwydiant ar gyfer yr hirdymor ac yn creu cyfleoedd cyffrous i genedlaethau’r dyfodol.

I gael mwy o wybodaeth ewch i

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