
POSTPONED: Meet BitTorrent in London next week

17 September 2012

Unfortunately this event has had to be postponed due to travel complications. Pleased stay tuned for updates on a rescheduled date.

BitTorrent is an amazing piece of software that has been put to use sharing music files illegally. Its very name invites throwing up of hands BUT it can be used beneficially to great effect.

MMF Chairman Brian Message was recently featured in Music Week saying just this and now the Executive Director of Marketing for BitTorrent Inc is coming to London to explain how and what BitTorrent can do to enable you and your artist to reach more fans via the 160 million regular users of BitTorrent.

Date: Tuesday 25th September
Time: 5.30 arrival for 6pm start followed by networking drinks until 8pm.
PlaceMichael Simkins LLP, Lynton House ,7-12 Tavistock Square, London WC1H 9LT by close of business Monday 24th September. Places are limited so please respond early.

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