Manager Spotlight: Memz
The manager spotlight offers a small insight into the heads of incredible managers. This week in the spotlight is Memz!

How long have you worked in Management?
7 years.
Who do you manage now?
ZieZie , prinz , Liilz , hazey , Fangio
Where did you find your first client and what inspired you to take them on?
ZieZie was a friend growing up, we had a plan and worked on achieving it, prinz messaged me on social media when he didn’t have any type of direction. Thought he was good, worked together and he has now got hundreds of millions streams on just Spotify alongside 1.4m YouTube subscribers & 2m TikTok followers.
With the other boys just found them online.
What does a good/bad day at work look like for you?
A good day is ticking off all my tasks on my daily checklist and a bad day is my phone not ringing.
What has been the highlight of your management career to date?
There’s plenty of highlights but for me is seeing daily my clients happy and working towards dreams no matter the problems that come in front of us.
What do you think are the big challenges for a manager in 2024?
To defeat the TikTok system of having only one big song, what is important is keeping the fan base growing and hype staying strong.
Why would you recommend the MMF?
It’s amazing! Any problems you have as a manager, someone that is part of the MMF family will help you.
What music are you currently listening to?
Urban music and hip-hop.