Manager Spotlight: Chelsea Wood
The manager spotlight offers a small insight into the heads of incredible managers. This week in the spotlight is Chelsea Wood!

How long have you worked in Management?
13 years.
Who do you manage now?
Finn Forster, DBMK & Maius Mollis.
Where did you find your first client and what inspired you to take them on?
In true DIY style, my first client was my best friend’s band. I had just graduated Uni, travelled America for 3 months and then came back to start my career. At that time there weren’t any courses for artist management so I had no formal experience, but I knew the band had talent and that was enough for me. I had a business savvy head on my shoulders so I went for it!
What does a good/bad day at work look like for you?
Good days are honestly most days! I’m not saying there aren’t hard times, but I can always sit back knowing I did my best to move things forward for my clients every single day. That has always motivated me to keep going.
I treat bad days as lessons. The days where your emails never stop and you don’t feel like you’re getting on top of tasks usually! I’ve learnt that I always get through days like this and that chaotic days often end up being really productive, even if it doesn’t feel like it in the moment!
What has been the highlight of your management career to date?
Stepping into my own and launching Wood Management. It took an incredible amount of strength as I was facing many personal challenges behind the scenes. I often now think of all of the opportunities I have created for my roster and how these could never have happened without my own personal growth and development.
What do you think are the big challenges for a manager in 2024?
2025 will inevitably bring with it further technological enhancements due to Artificial Intelligence. I think the entire music industry will need to go though a teething phase and mistakes will be made. My personal opinion is that managers should lean in, educate themselves on what tools are available and what the pros and cons are of each to be able to protect their artists in this next phase.
Why would you recommend the MMF?
The management role can be isolating, especially as an independent manager and the MMF brings a network and community which is needed for success. By being an MMF member I’ve been able to reach out for 1-2-1 support, use templates and resources on their website, attend networking events to meet other likeminded managers and have key opportunities highlighted that I might have otherwise missed. I can’t recommend it enough!
What music are you currently listening to?
Charli XCX, she’s had a massive year and Brat is up there as one of the best albums of 2024 for me.