MMF presents…. Amazon Music UK – Event Recap
On Wednesday 23rd October, the MMF invited Amazon UK to come and discuss the latest developments in the online retailing service and give MMF members a chance to pick their brains over plans for staying relevant and competitive in the market place.
Christopher Koegen, Amazon’s UK Vendor Manager (Music), and Griff Morris, principal artist and industry liaison for Amazon MP3 wrestled topics spanning from how best to take advantage of the service and simple customer usability issues, to in depth discussions around Amazon’s relationship with forward thinkers in the industry.
The team rounded up the event by stating that they have only just scratched the surface for potential with the platform. Already standing as the dominant figure in recorded music sales, with a 29.7% share of the market (Q2), they are set on becoming a leading presence in other areas of the music industry and are keen to continue developing their customer experience into a rewarding and engaging offering for music fans.
By Sam Furness.
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